Nominate A Family

Nominate a Family

If you know of a family who has a loved one fighting cancer and could benefit from the support of the Bee Happy. Bee Kind. Foundation, please nominate them using the form below. We accept referrals from anyone — including the person with cancer, their children or parents, medical professional, friends, or any other loved ones. We review all nominations and reach out to families to see how we can help. Thank you for your support!

Who is Eligible?

Anyone who has cancer or has a family member or loved one fighting cancer can be nominated or apply for Bee Happy Bee Kind Foundation support.

Other important qualifications:

•Older than 18 years Old

•Is based in Colorado

•Has not received a wish granted from another wish-granting organization

•Individuals willing to sign a social media and liability waiver

Fill Out The Form To Nominate A Family